Loker Teacher dan Employee di Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al Azhar Karangpandan – Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al Azhar open recruitment :
- English English for male (E)
- Citizenship Education for male (CE)
- Sport for male and emale (S)
- Bahasa Indonesia for female (BI)
- Art and Culture for male (AC)
- Librarian (L)
- Muhafidz (M)
General requirements:
- Muslim or muslimah
- Maximum 35 years old
- Proficient in ICT
- Fluent in reciting Quranic
- Have memorized at least 2 juz of Al Qur’an
- Minimum 2 years experience in the same field (experienced in international school for teachers are preferred)
- Active in English and or Arabic
- Able to work in a team
- No smoking
- Certain requirements:
- Preferably married (E, CE, AC)
- Preferably single (S, BI, M)
- At least have memorized 20 juz Al Quran (M)
Deadline for registration : 31ST MAY 2022
Registration link:
More Info :
Human Resource Management Al Azhar IIBS
Jl. Raya Solo – Tawangmangu, Desa Salam, Karangapandan, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57791
Email: hrd.alazhariibs@gmail.com
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