Lowongan Kerja di SMPIA 51, SMAIA 28, dan Boarding Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar – We are hiring:
SMPIA 51 IIBS Karanganyar
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Mathematic Education - BAHASA INDONESIA SUBSTITUTE TEACHER FOR FEMALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Bahasa Indonesia - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING TEACHER FOR FEMALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Guidance and Counseling or Psychology - SPORTS TEACHER FOR FEMALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Sports Education - MATHEMATICS TEACHER FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Mathematic Education - ENGLISH TEACHER FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Englsih Education - NATURAL SCIENCE TEACHER FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Physic, Chemistry, or Biology Education - INFORMATIC TEACHER FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Informatic Education
Preferably married - SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Geography/Economic Education
SMAIA 28 IIBS Karanganyar
Bachelor Degree (S1) of English Education - SOCIAL SCIENCE TEACHER FOR FEMALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Geography/Economic Education - LABORATORY FOR FEMALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Biology/Chemistry/Physics
Have a laboratory sertificate - PHYSICS TEACHER FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Physics Education
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Informatic Education
Preferably married - CIVIC EDUCATION FOR MALE
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Englsih Education
Preferably married
Boarding Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar
Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Preferably single
Able to stay at dormitory
Can teach Matan Tufaul Athfal & Matan Al-Jazariyyah chapter makharij dan sifatul huruf
At least have memorize 20 juz of Al Quran - MUSYRIFAH
Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Preferably single
Able to stay at dormitory
Can teach Matan Tufaul Athfal & Matan Al-Jazariyyah chapter makharij dan sifatul huruf
At least have memorize 20 juz of Al Quran - MUHAFIDZH
Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Able to stay at dormitory
At least have memorize 20 juz of Al Quran - MUHAFIDZHAH
Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Able to stay at dormitory
At least have memorize 20 juz of Al Quran
Bachelor Degree (S1) of Nutrition
Have an active STR
Communicative and service oriented
Preferably Karangpandan domicile dan its surroundings - FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE
Associate’s Degree (D3) of Hospitality
General Requirements Lowongan Kerja di SMPIA 51, SMAIA 28, dan Boarding Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar
- Muslim or Muslimah age max 35 years old
- Proficient in ICT
- Fluent in reciting Qur’anic
- Have memorized at least 2 juz of Qur’an
- Min 2 years experience in the same field
- Active in English and or Arabic
- Able to work in a team
- No smoking
- Ready to be placed in Karanganyar, Central Java
Apply now:
More Info:
Human Resource Management Al Azhar IIBS
Jl. Raya Solo – Tawangmangu, Desa Salam, Karangpandan, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57791
Email: hrd.alazhariibs@gmail.com
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